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Friday, December 31, 2010

Child Parenting vs. Teen parenting part 4.

Child Parenting vs. Teen parenting part 4.

Following instructions...
we all know as being a parent, having a teen disobeying a direct order, and not following instructions, is far worst than a young child...reason is because in most cases, the young child is still in learning & comprehension mode. Just to keep it clear, the ages are 2-10 vs.10-18... that being said, let me give you a scenario;

This is in the house, mom tells her two daughters, not to go downstairs in the basement because they are painting, (keep in mind, one daughter is 5, the other is 15)
On two separate attempts, the girls go downstairs anyway. They both were reprimanded, but the 15 year old got the worst, reason being, she disobeyed a direct order, whereas the 5 year old needed this order to be emphasized again about disobeying her mothers wishes.

At the end of the day its all about respecting your parents wishes... my mom can still ask me to do her a favor like taking out the trash, when i visit her house, and it is done without thought. That comes from respect, and proper training.
But if the child growing up is not use to doing chores around the house, or if it was not emphasized the importance as a youth, then trying to get them to do these little things when they get a little older can be a problem.

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